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Hi Beautiful Goddess!

You can sign up to join me for the upcoming Sacred Healing Circles below!

Livestream Sacred Healing Circles- Includes Four 90 minute classes

In these Sacred Healing Circles we will be focusing on healing hormonal imbalances in the physical body by healing blockages and imbalances in the subtle energy body focusing on the energy centers called The chakras.

Includes Four livestream sacred healing circles including meditation, reiki, yoga, journaling

(All Healing Circles will be recorded for access at anytime.)

Virtual Sacred Chakra healing Circles schedule

Saturday April 24th - 8am (PST)- Grounding-Root Chakra

Saturday May 8th - 8am (PST) -Healing-Sacral/Solar Plexus

Saturday May 29th - 8am (PST)-Cleansing- Heart/throat

Saturday June 12th - 8Am (PST)- Manifest -Third eye/Crown

✨I will be sending an email prior to each live call with details including zoom link and how to prepare for the healing circle.

Can’t wait to connect!!

